Title                   : CASTLE.WAD   
Author                  : Daniel Millard
Email Address           : 100131,
Misc. Author Info       : A second WAD! From the author of Lardyland - Halls
			  of Carnage!

Description             : I think this is a reasonable WAD. It's quite easy
			  on the earlier levels, but I have not completed it
			  on UV! There are probably some faults with the
			  texture allignment, but I cannot find an editor
			  which checks it (I can't get DETH working on my

			  After completing DooM and escaping from hell you 
			  return home. You live happily on earth, with your
			  wife and kids, when on a family outing on your holiday
			  to the UK you recieve an anonymous phone call.
			  You get to the castle, and enter by the back door - 
			  so this is where the hell spawn have been
			  regrouping. You must stop them befor they take over
			  the world.........
			  Hey! I know that it is a slightly **** story, but 
			  the level's not bad!

Additional Credits to   : My dad for letting me use his laptop computer
			  (I've only got a 386!). Thanx also to Jim F. Flynn
			  and Alex M. (I didn't get his last name!) both
			  Asst. Sysops for the Action Games Forum
			  (GO ACTION), and Neville Ash, who all helped me
			  with a few problems I had, like the level not

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : E 1 M 1 
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes
Difficulty Settings     : Yes (1-2 are very easy, 3-UV are very hard)
New Sounds              : No }    I'm not sure how to do all this.
New Graphics            : No }--- If you know please mail me.
Demos Replaced          : No }

* Construction *

Base                    : None
Build Time              : 5 days of solid none stop work!
Editor(s) used          : Doom Construction Kit v. 2.2 - Cool but simple
Known Bugs              : Well... I'm sure you'll find some. Don't mail
	  		  me about them, please. I'm sure some thing's wrong
			  with the texture allignment up stairs when I'm
			  using the GSTONE1 texture, but I can't work out
		 	  how to right that problem. Mail me if you know
			  how. Cheers!				
* Copyright / Permissions * 

Please respect Id Software, and a big hand to the creators of DCK! Could you
also mention my name if you decide to use this wad for anything other than
playing it - otherwise do what you like with it!

Thought for the WAD

Why do the bad guys shoot each other? Isn't it me who their after?